Olelo – Why It Is Important To Me

As I download the olelo lessons given by Kumu Crozier on Kulaiwi.org I listen and catch what I can as she interviews people.

She hits on some key points that hit me hard and it hurts.

She tells of kupuna and the hard times they had speaking olelo. When the school’s banned speaking olelo and the harsh punishments and ridicule they experienced. She also tells of how we were told that speaking our language would hinder our progress in the world.

Interestingly I found a study that disproves this primitive belief that if a person is bilingual it somehow impairs their cognitive abilities. If you’d like to take the time to read it here it is:

bilingualism and its effects on people

What I was really looking for is scholarly articles that study the ease of learning other languages when one knows ones ethnic language. Not just the ease of learning other languages (this may explain why we learned English so fast) but the ease in learning period (which may also explain why we were able to learn to read and write so quickly as well).

To me, our language is like the mana that flows unseen through us and is expressed as best as possible through our words.

Our words are circular not abrupt. You can say a word and it just isn’t the word it’s the total of all this is and is understood by us.

There was a massive attempt to cut this from us but thankfully our ancestors and kupuna kept our language alive and now we have olelo being taught in schools, colleges, and online as well.

I believe, and this is just me, that all Kanaka should go back to their original language, not the aboriginal (not original) English language. Our language is our identity that is tied to our culture, our hula, our chants, everything. This is just what I think and there may be some that disagree and that’s alright.

But, if you are interested in learning olelo and you can’t afford classes, don’t have someone that can teach you for free, or no time to go to classes then you can take advantage of the free online classes given by Kumu Ekela Kaniaupio-Crozier through Kulaiwi.org. Here’s the URL:


Olelo – Hawaiian Language – Kulaiwi

J. Ekela Kaniaupio-Crozier

I’ve posted the transcriptions of the video’s.

It would be great if families and friends got together in a home, prepare food, and study and learn our language together then share with others until all of us can speak olelo, translate our own documents.

When the foreigners are researching documents it would make sense that they have someone on a payroll to translate the documents for them. If we can’t translate our own documents we have to either wait for someone who can do it for us or we must hire a translator. That is so sad!

We should, if we are really interested in researching our genealogy, our royal patents, our history, learn our language.

Somehow I just feel that it is really important, like a glue that holds everything together.

Get the transcriptions of the videos –>HERE<–

Learning Olelo – Hawaiian Language

I recall reading, but I can’t remember which book so I can’t cite…sorry…but if I come across it again I’ll be sure to cite. It’s an old book and it tells about how the Kanaka Maoli wanted to learn English to better understand what was forming around them. They were…according to the author, quick learners.

This was how they were taught…the missionaries would go to homes and teach…for free.

My puzzlement is why we have to go to school to learn our language? And why we have to pay? If we want to move forward we should be going to homes and teaching for free. I know a lot of people won’t agree with me but I just had to put it out there.

It is so important that everyone learn this and not all of us can go to school.


A place where everyone can learn olelo on their own time…for free…at least the basics.

This is a course given by Kumu J. Ekela Kaniaupio-Crozier through Kulaiwi.org

Hurry and download all the material and I will as well. There’s a workbook in pdf form and audio that can be uploaded to your iPod so studying can be done anywhere…or you can put it on CD’s as well I think.

I already downloaded the workbook. You can download it –>HERE<–

When you learn olelo you can translate all your documents yourself and not have to wait or pay someone to translate for you.

Also, the more Kanaka speaking olelo, the more the mana rises and gets stronger…just putting it out there is all.

Kulaiwi.org Learn olelo with J. Ekela Kaniaupio-Crozier

Of late my children and I have been really taking advantage of olelo lessons taught by Kumu Crozier. What a treasure for us!

Mahalo Kumu Crozier! and KSBE for allowing us to view these videos and download the workbook.

The more we go through the workbook and videos the more service I can be to Kanaka Maoli in assisting them with their mookuauhau.

You can download the book –> HERE <–

While there click on the link that’ll take you to the site to download the video lessons.